
List sites with Google Analystic UA-8527419

Rank Website Category Monthly Unique Visitors Pages/Visit Avg. Visit Duration
1 Unknown 17.5M 00:01:02 1.40
2 Internet and Telecom > File Sharing 4.8M 00:04:48 7.03
3 Unknown 2.2M 00:04:39 7.89
4 Unknown 2.7M 00:04:45 6.08
5 Unknown 2033200 00:04:07 5.4044416540807
6 Internet and Telecom > File Sharing 906849 00:04:08 5.446083336356
7 Internet and Telecom 449906 00:03:55 4.7548982507516
8 Shopping 288023 00:04:03 4.7493556004845
9 Adult 129387 00:04:05 6.2968902494695